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Good. Great. Bad.

Hiiii friends! So I’ve got good news, great news and not-so-great news. Let’s start with the bad and work our way up, shall we?

Bad: My back still hurts like a mofo. There are times when I can barely walk cause it hurts so bad. This morning I couldn’t even get out of bad. I honestly thought I was paralyzed or something for like three minutes. Thank goodness for leftover painkillers, or I’d be totally SOL. I know I should go to the doctor, but I’m terrified they’re going to tell me I need to have surgery again and I reallllly don’t want to go through that again. My surgeon had told me that I have what’s called a “chronic wound” which basically means my wound never really closed up and healed like it was suppose to (or at least as quickly as it was suppose to). He gave me until January to see if it healed. If it didn’t then I’m suppose to go back and we’d talk about another surgery. Honestly, at the beginning of the month I really was okay. Not 100%, but enough to live my life. Unfortunetly, me being me, I managed to rip this wound sometime last week and now I’m paying for it. Boo. It really sucks because I had just gotten back into working out, and now I have to step back from that a little. I think I can still do some arm and leg work, but abs and back are out of the question. Cardio is iffy too. Again, boooo.

Good: Actually I didn’t really have a “good” I guess. In general, life has been good (aside from the back thing). School is going fine, the paper is the same as it always is. My friends are great. My family is grand. I’m enjoying life and, really, what’s more “good” than that?

Oh wait, this is:

Great: I got that internship I reallly realllllllly wanted. I got the call on Monday and I was elated. The minute I walked into that office for my interview, I knew I wanted the chance to intern there. Not only am I proud, but I finally feel like I’m going to suceed after school. I always knew I would do well, but sometimes it’s easy to get down on yourself when you see others doing well and you’re just stuck. Doing the same thing day after day and seeing no results can be hard to get through; this internship will be something new. It will give me even more stability in my life and get me on track to where I want to be after graduation. Did I mention how excited I am about this? So excited! I start on Monday. Woohoo!

My parents are super happy too, and proud πŸ™‚ Nothing makes me happier than to make my parents proud.

So that’s the news of my life. Today was pretty chill. After I managed to move and get out of bed (after missing my first class *guilty*) I spent the day on campus, in and out of other classes, doing work for the paper and hanging with in the office with other editors. After class I hung out with my favorite ex-intern in the whole wide world πŸ™‚ We went to one of my favorite spots to drink and catch up. It was fantastic. Then we met up with some of his friends at a hookah bar and hung there for a while. Sometimes it’s just nice to hang with a bunch of guys for once, you know? No girly drama involved. Just fun.

Now I’m home. I just popped a painkiller and am waiting for it to kick in. Hope y’all have a great day!


P.S. I can’t stop listening to this song. It’s mushy and lovey dovey and all that sh!t, but I smile everytime I hear it πŸ™‚

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. The Brunette
    February 5, 2010 at 2:36 pm

    Thanks for the comment! Sorry about te back pain, but that’s awesome about the internship! They’re muh harder to get than some people think, so it’s great you’ve got one! Now you can relax for a while, at least about that πŸ™‚

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