Goodbye Weekend

February 1, 2010 Leave a comment

Heyyyy. How is is that weekends go so fast? So sad. This weekend was aiight…I got to go home to Austin which was bueno, but my back has been acting up which is no bueno.

I literally couldn’t move yesterday. It was so awful I had to resort to taking the painkillers I had from my surgery last summer. It’s still bothering me right now, but I’m hoping it will be better by the end of this week so I can go outttt over the weekend. I need to get my drink and dance on like this chica!

Anywho, this is gonna be a short one cause I honestly can’t think of anything to write (plus I hurt, and I’m not a very good writer when I hurt :()

Hope you guys have a wonderful Monday! I’ll be back this week with a super awesome post (hopefully)!

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January 29, 2010 1 comment

Hey guys, hope everyone is having a fantastic Thursday! Mine’s been rainy and migrain-y, but I’m back home, all cuddled up in my snuggie so things are looking up 🙂

I wanted to write a post about confidence because the topic came up in conversation between a friend of mine and I last night. Normally I have these talks with my girlfriends and we always end up complaining about our weight, our height, our face, etc. A lot of us can agree that it’s hard to feel confident all the time, especially when pressure is being put on us. Whether that pressure is coming from our parents, our teachers, friends, the media, whatever, it’s hard to live up to it and that can slowly eat away at your confidence.

Last night I was talking (actually, texting) with a male friend of mine. We were text-talking about alot of different things and the word confidence came up. We were talking about relationships and I found myself saying “Confidence is sexy. Cliche but true.”

Oddly enough, about a year ago I don’t think I even believed that. I’m 23 and therefore still in a time of my life where looks are quite important. College campuses can feel like one huge judgement room if you’re not confident in yourself. And don’t even get me started on our Rec Center. I am terrified of that place and the way it makes me feel. I know I have alot to work on and I am doing what I can to get by.

With that said, I’ve recently realized that I have become so much more confident in the past year than I ever thought. But lookswise I haven’t really changed much, in fact I have actually gained a little which was never good for the ‘ol self-esteem. So where is this coming from? I’ve finally begun to realize my potential as a person. Seriously. Balancing school, being an editor of the newspaper, working, etc has shown me what I can and cannot do. This in turn has taught me more about myself. I’ve had my ups and downs (especially with my grades) but I keep trying and when I look back at what I have accomplished, I’m proud.

Just recently I put time and effort into finding internships for this year. I’ve already had two interviews for spring internships. And next week I have an interview lined up for a summer position. Whether or not I actually get any of these internships, I still feel proud that I took the initiative. This isn’t something I will regret.

You may be asking yourself at this point, “That’s awesome, Mansee. But what was the point of this again?” Ahh, good question my friend.

My point is that I wish others would start basing their confidence on what they’ve accomplished in life, not just what they look like. If I was to compare myself to every pretty girl that walked by, I’d be a wreck. It’s not healthy, and it’s not right. Plus, there is a chance that I have accomplished more than them. Or maybe I’m a better friend. Nicer to animals. Whatever.  Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. It’s what makes us different. When you start basing how you feel about yourself on how others are, you are immediatly setting yourself up for disappointment.

And when it comes to relationships, confidence is soo important. I’ve never been in a relationship and I know that! It really is hard to love someone who doesn’t love themself. All those silly cliche sayings are true. Love yourself first, and others will follow suit.

So here is a challenge for those who choose to accept it: For one full day (from the time you wake up to the time to go to bed) try to not say anything negative about yourself. It might not sound hard, but think about how many times you’ve chimed in with a “Oh I hate my nose” or “Gah, I’m so stupid!” during a conversation. Let’s see what happens when we don’t say these things. Maybe then, we’ll start to believe how great we all are 🙂

P.S. I know this post was cheesy. But who doesn’t like a little cheese in their life from time to time?

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Up all night

January 28, 2010 Leave a comment

Hi lovlies! Thought I’d run in and do a quick post before I go back to studying Art History notes all night long. It’s only two chapters but it’s a nasty little subject. So much to memorize…no me gusta. Today was a good day nonetheless though.

Managed to get a good amount of sleep last night, so this morning was a bit more pleasant than normal. Plus I was super excited for my interview. I had to run to the newspaper office beforehand to print off some more things for my portfolio, but I made sure to give myself a lot of time to find the building. This company is downtown and I’m horrible at driving in areas that I’m not familiar with. Just horrible. This time I only drove around in three circles before finding the place. I sat in the parking lot for like 15 minutes because I didn’t want to be tooo early. I gave myself a little pep talk while I reapplied my lip gloss 9403 times. P.S. I have got to find some long lasting gloss. Stat.

Anywho, interview went well. I’ll find out next week just how well it did. Fingers crossed please!

After I got home, I sat around a studied for a bit. And by studied, I mean I read blogs and refreshed my facebook homepage multiple times. I finally decided to go to the gym around 1. Glad I did. There weren’t a lot of people there so I decided to stop being a wuss and finally enter the weights area. Buff boys who stare scare me, so I try to avoid. But I wasn’t feeling the cardio today so after 25 mintues on the treadmill I hopped off and did some leg machine thingys. Hopefully I’ll be sore tomorrow so I know I did them right.

After that my day was filled with studying, a little powernap, an online quiz and then studying for this quiz tomorrow. I guess that powernap really helped cause I’m not tired at all right now even though it’s almost 2. Looks like I might get a lot of studying done tonight!  Just another day in the life…

Hope everyone had a fantabulous day!


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January 27, 2010 1 comment

Hiiii! Writing this is taking all I have in me right now due to the fact that I am exhausted. My four hours of sleep last night was not sufficient enough to sustain me for my day. Imagine that!

Aside from the (basically) no sleep, this morning was okay. I got up on time, actually got to sit down and eat breakfast (!), made it to class on time, distributed the papers, went to another class, realized I’d left a book at home, went to Old Navy (random, I know), went home to get book, ate lunch, went back to campus, studied for a bit, went to my last class, took quiz, reveled in the fact that my school day was over! Looking at it like that, it sounds so easy. Believe me, I struggled to keep up with everything. Except lunch, I was good at that 🙂

Anywho, after that I met up with some friends for some dinner. I’m sure everyone can agree that after a long day, nothing is better than meeting up with friends, having a few brews, eating and enjoying eachothers company. It makes me smile just to think about it.

Sadly, the night had to be cut short as I have an economics quiz tomorrow that needed studying for. I also had to put together a portfolio for my interview tomorrow. This is for that internship I talked about in the last post. I still haven’t heard from the magazine yet, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed! I’m super excited/nervous for the interview. Getting this internship would mean so much to me. I probably shouldn’t psych myself out about it right before bed, huh?

Alrighty, that’s it for now. I can barely keep my eyes open. Lame, I know. Have a good one!


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Good things, Bad things

January 25, 2010 Leave a comment

Oh my, it’s been a while. My whole “blogging more this year” resolution is gonna be harder than I thought! Anywho, this past week-ish has been interesting. Allow me to share. I shall break it up into categories so it doesn’t get confusing (although truthfully, I might be the only one to get confused ha).

School: What can I say? School is school. It was the second week of classes so everything started picking up. More lectures, more reading and now I have three quizzes coming up this week. The only bright side of all of this is that I happen to enjoy my classes this semester. I’m not taking any communication courses (which is odd since I’m a comm major, a double comm major at that), but somehow I managed to not sign up for any. Instead I’ve got management, marketing, art history and economics to keep my busy. I’m most worried about economics, but so far so good. Hopefully I can keep it that way.

Newspaper: As always, super stressful but fun and rewarding. We’re not getting as many ads as we’d like so we don’t have as many pages as usual. This is both good and bad. Good, because it’s easier to deal with a smaller publication which keeps the mistakes at a minimum. Bad, because it sucks that we don’t have a good income coming it. Also, it forces my editors to cut stories and I always feel bad for the writers when we have to do that. I understand it’s a part of the journalism world, but it still breaks my heart. Some of these writers work really hard for us, and they deserve to see their published works.

Food&Working out: I’ve been doing pretty well with my attempt to lose weight and be healthier. I worked out about 4 times last week, with strength training on 2 of those days. I’ve started enjoying going to the gym, but I’m worried that some new possible schedule conflicts are going to be a problem (more on that later). RIght now, I have time before my classes on Mondays and Wednesdays and all day Fridays, so I have no excuse to not go. And Tuesdays and Thursdays, are week to week. I have class most of those days but if I’m not too lazy at the end of the day I try to make it.

New, fun stuff: Soooo last week I decided to do some research on internship possibilites for the summer. I spent some time on Thursday, between my first and second class, looking up different marketing and public realtion firms in San Antonio. Since I’ll be taking class here over the summer, I’ll need to find a company here. It does limit my possibilities, but oh well. Anyways, I found a couple of companies that looked interesting and sent them an email asking for information, as well as a little about myself. I also saw a posting on craigslist for a local magazine here, so I quickly sent them an email. I attached my resume to all of these, since it seemed like the right thing to do.

I didn’t think I would here anything back from any of these comapnies, but imagine my surpise when I get an email from the magazine asking if I could come in for an interview the next day! So exciting. The interview went well and I’ll find out tomorrow if I got the internship. If I do, it would be during this spring semester! I’m so excited about that possibility, and I feel like having that under my belt would help me for summer options.

Weekend: After my interview I went to lunch with some friends and then headed home to Austin. I made the mistake of leaving a little too late and ended up getting stuck in rush hour traffic in downtown Austin. Even worse? I got into my first ever car accident 😦 It was so scary. The accident itself wasn’t bad at all, nobody was hurt and nobody got tickets. My car is hurt though and will most likely need a new radiator. Poor baby. I’ve always been so paranoid about getting into an accident, and now that it’s happened I think I may be more scared. I didn’t leave my house all weekend, but then driving back to SA today was so panicky (is that a word?). I was really anxious, but I got through it. I have my mom’s car this week and I’ll be going back on Thursday night. Hopefully my car will be fixed by then or I can get a rental or something.

Okay one last thing before I wrap up this longest post ever (I wish I had pics for readers, it would probably make it easier to get through. I’ll work on that). Friday after I got home  (after waiting for a tow truck for like an hour, and then or my dad to come get me for longer) I randomly checked my email. Guess what? I got an email from one of the other compaines I had “applied” to. They’re actively looking for public relations interns and they want to meet me this week!!! Ahh, considering how upset I was about my accident, this was so uplifting. I really really want an internship and hopefully this will be my semester!

Alrighty, I’m gonna have to stop now before this gets ridiculous. Hope y’all have a great Sunday night/Monday!


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January 20, 2010 Leave a comment

I realize a total of, like, negative 3 people read this blog…but I still feel bad that I don’t update all that often or consistently. It’s hard though, life is crazy and sometimes I’m lazy (ha I rhymed).

I was at the gym earlier and spent my time listening to a sweet new workout playlist while staring at American Idol/Biggest Loser. Both of those shows kinda mess with me emotionally, and in general I try not to watch them.

The reason is that they both, in different ways, tend to make me feel bad myself. When I watch American Idol I feel like a talentless fool and if I see Biggest Loser I feel like the only way I’m going to lose weight is if I work out 10 hours a day and eat salads. One reminds me of the life I don’t (and due to the fact that I can’t sing, probably will never) have, and the other reminds me oh what my life could be if I don’t lock it up. What should be motivation, just turns into feeling bad about myself. I’m not saying that I want to be a famous singer by any means, but sometimes it’d be nice to stand out from the crowd. I wish I had something special to offer the world sometimes.

But I have to keep reminding myself that I’m young. I deserve to be happy. I’m in school full-time trying to give myself the foundation for the type of life I want. Even though my wieght shouldn’t matter, it does. But it’s not just looks, I need to be healthy to be happy. I mean, when was the last time you were happy gasping for air after going up a flight of stairs?

So i guess that was my “rant” for the day. I have some reading to do before bed tonight and then I have a breezy day ahead of me tomorrow. Gym, cleaning, one class and then hanging with one of my roomies from FRESHMAN year. She’s getting married in May! It’s so crazy how much life has changed….cuh-razy.

Have a great day y’all!


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Blame it on the alco….rain

January 14, 2010 Leave a comment

Sometimes I forget how much I don’t enjoy having a break between my classes. Especially during the first week of school when I don’t have a ton of work to do. And super especially when I decided to be a good student the night before and actually did all my reading. Damn my goals of a 4.0!

Yesterday was such a weird day. I blame the rain. On Mondays and Wednesdays I only have one class, and it’s not until 5:30. On Mondays I work at the newspaper so I’m busy busy busy all day. But Wednesdays are different. I woke up yesterday and, honestly, did not know what to do with myself. I basically puttered around the apartment, made coffee, drank coffee, made oatmeal, ate oatmeal, read blogs, thought about writing a post but then didn’t, etc. Finally around 11 I decided to be productive and signed up for a gym membership. Online. Ironic, huh?

It was all raniy and gross and I really didn’t feel like leaving my room. It’s amazing how lazy the internet allows us to be these days. But then after I signed up, I started to feel guilty (and quite stupid, too) about the whole thing, so I decided to suck it up and just go workout. I’m super glad I did, although my knee really hurts today. I’m gonna go ahead and blame that on the rain too, not the 50 minutes on the elliptical (actually, I’m not sure if what I was on was really an looked too weird. I’ll have to look it up later).

SO after I was all good and sweaty, I came back to the apartment and got ready. I had some errands to run before class so I left a little early. I proceeded to drive around foreverr looking for a UPS drop-off box so I could send a package out. No luck. I”ll have to find that thing today I guess. Then I went to target to get some earphones that will actually stay in my ears so I can listen to Weezy while getting my workout on.

From there I went to campus, found out my class was cancelled. Realized this class might be a joke since my prof cancelled the second class of the semester, then decided to take what I could get and went home. From there it was just a blur of food, reading, Modern Family, reading, showering, more food, Family Guy and reading until I passed out.

Okay, well the computer lab is kinda filling up and I feel bad being on here cause I’m not actually doing “school-related work”.

Hope everybody has a fabulous day!


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January 13, 2010 Leave a comment

Hi all! I should be reading the 847839 pages I have for a couple of my classes, but what’s the fun in that? Speaking of fun, today’s been a doozy. Allow me to explain.

I woke up at 8 this morning after going to bed close to 3 last night. Tuesday mornings are always rough because I work late at the paper every Monday night. Last night we were there until after 1 and I can never fall asleep when I need to. I tossed and turned, watched Family Guy and stressed about money for books before I finally drifted off. I stayed in bed for like 10 minutes before realizing I would be late if I didn’t remove myself from the covers.

I ran downstairs, made coffee, ran upstairs, showered and dressed in like 15 minutes, debated whether or not to put make-up on, decided to go for it (first day of classes and all), spent 2 minutes doing that, deodorized, perfumed and ran downstairs. I was going to run out the door, but then I remembered my coffee and that led me to decide that I had time for a quick bowl of oatmeal. Except no bowl of oatmeal is ever quick for me. I put so much nonsense in it, it’s ridiculous. In a delicious sort of way of course. Anywho, ate my oatmeal, drank my coffee, gossiped with the roomie and then sprinted out the door.

The drive to campus was sleepy-eyed and fast. Probably not a good combo. I was also kind of freaking out cause I couldn’t remember what room my first class was in. I had to use my shitty phone and pay a buttload of money to get on the internet while walking to the building. Art History was from 9:30-10:45 and I actually had a decent time. My prof seems cool so I think I’ll like the class.

After that I just hung around waiting to distribute. The newspapers ended up coming in late though, so I had to run to my 12:30 class (Management) and then distribute after. My sports editor and I distributed to half the campus, which was quite the feat cause those carts get hella heavy. My arms are gonna be so sore tomorrow. When we started on the next batch we ran into one of the other editors, and he helped out which was wonderful. I’m working on getting the interns to distribute this semester, cause this Chief can’t do it every week.

After we were done, I walked over to our office and got some work done while decided whether or not to buy my books right then. Went ahead and did so, cause I didn’t want to get behind in any of my classes. I’m so glad I did cause I have a ton of reading to do this week and I can’t afford to not have the books. I found two in the bookstore I went to, freaked out that I couldn’t find the last one, freaked out some more when I realized how much the two books cost me (somebody tell me it was all worth it, please) and then composed myself, decided to stop acting like a baby and went on my merry way. Right outside the bookstore I ran into a friend of mine who I hadn’t seen in forever. While we were talking we realized he had come to the store to return a book. And guess what?! He was selling the book that I couldn’t find! Ahhh happy days! We made plans to meet up later on campus so I could give him the cash and I walked to my car in a decent mood.

After that I drove home to eat and relax before my next class. This was probably a bad idea because I got super sleepy and almost didn’t make it off my couch. I finally did get up and drove back to campus to go to Marketing. The class was packed. Like, super duper packed. The class seems like it will be interesting though. One of my majors is Public Relations, so knowing some marketing tools will be helpful to me.

I left class excited that my day was over. Then, I got a call from one of my favorite interns (well he was my intern last semester but then he graduate. Still love him though) and we decided to have dinner cause we hadn’t seen eachother since sometime in December. I was tired but I wanted to see him, and my roomies came with which made it all that much better. We went to this delish place, ate, drank a brew and watched the Spurs hand the Lakers their ass. Ha.

Theeeen we came back to my place and hung out for a while before he left to go drink it up with some of his buddie. I was a little jealous until I realized that I could barely move and that leaving the apartment was out of the question. One shower and an episode of Sex and the City later, here I am!

So I think that was my first blog post that really chronicled my day. It was kind of nice and de-stressing. I see why a lot of people do this now 🙂 Alrighty, well I’m off to be a “good” student and read as much as I can before I pass out.

Hope everyone has a great night (and a fabulous Wednesday!)


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Tough Love?

January 11, 2010 Leave a comment

So I’m watching Tough Love. I don’t know why I love this show so much (or Jersey Shore for that matter, but that’s a whole other post) but I find myself glued to the TV when it comes on. I know I should probably take everything this show says with a grain of salt, but sometimes I am floored by what goes on. Some of these girls are saying things that I feel and it’s like watching myself on a weird dating show. Yikes. I like to think that, if in certain situations, I would know how to act and how to be cool. But sometimes you don’t know until you’re actually there.

I’ve never been in a relationship. Hell, I’ve never been on a real date. I feel like I know alot about relationships from seeing other people go through them, and I also feel that I would be a good girlfriend (I realize that;s cocky, no shame). But sometimes, I do doubt myself as a date. Aside from my weight (which I’m working on!) I think I’m an alright girl. So why haven’t I had a boyfriend? I have had guys interested, but there has never ever been a mutual attraction. I’m 23, this should have happened by now. I’m in now way giving up and I have no doubt that one day I will find the macaroni to my cheese (10 points if you name that movie!) but it’s be awesome if it was sooner rather than later. I don’t neccesarily want to meet the man of my dreams right now, but I’d like to be dating like other girls my age. I’m kind of an awkward person by nature, and I can only imagine I’ll be even worse on a date. I normally don’t like talking about this aspect of my life, but I need to be honest with myself. Part of my goal for changing this year is holding myself accountable in all aspects of my life.

It’s hard, but somebody’s gotta do it!


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Almost back to the grind…

January 9, 2010 Leave a comment

School starts in a couple of days. Eeeek. The start of school also means the start of another semester working at the newspaper. It’s an incredible experience but gosh is it stressful. Being in charge of something so big is super daunting, yet super fulfilling. Today we had our first editors meeting. It went really well considering our first issue comes out this Tuesday. Usually we’re running around still waiting on stories from our writers, but this time it looks like everything is coming together. Woohoo!

In other news, I officially made the move back to San Antonio. As much as I love being here, I do get sad leaving Austin after I’ve been there for a while. I’m super close to my parents, especially my mom, and I miss having them around to talk to all the time. But I’m 22 (almost 23!) now and I need to learn to be a big girl 🙂

Tomorrow will be spent cleaning the apt cause my parents are coming the next day to bring some of my furniture (believe it or not I have had NO furniture in my room for the past semester). I also need to go to the office to clean, design and layout my pages, answer emails and copyedit my little heart out.

Keep warm tonight (even us Texans are getting our butts frozen off!)


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